This is the second Sonet that I've put up on the blog, but as I sat down to do this write-up it dawned on me that I didn't know a daggone thing at all about this record company. So I hopped on over to the Discogs wiki and turns out it's one of those entities that's been bought and sold a number of times. Hence, releases ranging from jazz guitarist Tiny Grimes to Depeche Mode to George Thorogood to Bomb the Bass to Wilson Pickett. Curious.
As for the label, for comparison's sake you can peep a 1976 iteration I put up last year. Quite a difference eh? I do enjoy that they stuck with some sort of large pointed shape as the centerpiece. I dig the pseudo-surrealish plane and shapes and brick label name. Anyone for a game of Simon? I've really lost my taste for straight-ahead jazz these days, but damn, these song titles take the cake. "Romance Without Finance"? That's my kind of dating. Sorry love.
Collector Not Completist features daily posts of center-labels from records. Bloggers are invited on board for two-week stints to contribute 14 of their favorite labels from their collections. Collector Not Completist is organized by Alexander Stewart.
"Like at the present time I'm interested in sorting records, because I think that music has like some kind of powers to it that would be interesting to explore, and I've already done this. I've made a large collection of records."
I love that flat donut-disk.